space tourism

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International Institute of Space Commerce Workshop

The Space Tourism debate continues as both interest and concern grows at a worldwide level. Space Tourism offers not only entertainment, but other benefits such as access to alternative airspace routes which offer shorter flying times, and opportunities for technology creation and innovation. The advent of Space Tourism raises technical, commercial and regulatory issues, as [...]

International Institute of Space Commerce Workshop2016-11-03T12:11:25+00:00

Orbital Space Tourism Market Revisited – IISC study now available online for sale

Increasing interest in orbital space tourism has been generated by recent developments of projects and organisations such as Excalibur, Galactic Suite and Bigelows Space Complex Alpha, as well as the Russian Orbital Technologies plans. Although recent years have seen a number of excellent studies published, mainly focusing on suborbital demand, there has been, until now, [...]

Orbital Space Tourism Market Revisited – IISC study now available online for sale2016-11-03T12:11:25+00:00