International Cooperation for the Development of Space

Home/International Cooperation for the Development of Space

International Cooperation in Space, from USSR to Russia


This chapter presents a historical overview of international cooperation in space during the period of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and to the present days of the Russian Federation. The post-Soviet era and current international cooperation in space are described through interviews with people who were or still are involved in the joint [...]

The Space Data Association: A New Model for International Cooperation in Space


The formation of the Space Data Association (SDA) represents an interesting model for international cooperation in space activities. The SDA is a not for profit organization incorporated in the Isle of Man, part of the British Isles, and was formed by the world’s three largest satellite operators, SES, Intelsat, and Inmarsat. What makes the SDA [...]

The Science and Technology of Space Exploration


Cyberspace, the electronic environment that consists of myriad connections between people and information, is also the transition space to outer space, the place where we may learn to productively to live, to work, and to cooperate in preparation for our actual journeys off the Earth. While future space flight missions that go beyond today’s International [...]



For much of the lay public, and perhaps even for many in the legal profession, when the question of “space law” arises, thoughts turn to “special treaties” and “international conventions,” and to noble acts of diplomacy involving concepts like “adventurous and peaceful” activities in space, magnanimously conducted for the “benefit of all mankind.” The documents [...]

Perspectives on Improving United States International Space Cooperation


There is a powerful case to be made for the United States to conduct international space cooperation activities. In this chapter, we will discuss how cooperation allows a nation to leverage resources and reduce risk; improve efficiency; expand international engagement; and enhance diplomatic prestige of engaged states, political sustainability and workforce stability. Unfortunately, although the [...]

International Spaceport Challenges


In this paper we will examine issues, challenges, technologies and other factors that feed the quest for the international cooperation required to initiate and sustain viable Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth commerce. The approach taken here is based on the proposition that the commercialization of space will follow the same path as terrestrial history, but with greater distance, [...]

European SatCom Policy: A tool of international cooperation between Europe and Africa


The purpose of this chapter is to explore how European Satellite Communications (SatCom) policy can accelerate African development. One of the current European policy priorities is the Digital Agenda, with the ambition to bring broadband to every European citizen by 2013. This policy initiative promotes European growth as smart, sustainable and inclusive. The targets of [...]

Current Status and Future Development in China’s Space Program: International Space Cooperation


There is no doubt that China has become a major space power, with its launch technologies, many satellites in orbit, manned space flight program, and its lunar exploration program. China considers the aerospace industry as “a significant symbol of the nation's strength,” as remarked by President HU Jintao on the 50th Anniversary of Aerospace Industry [...]

The Capability Criterion: International Cooperation and National Priorities in Space Development


The choices between international cooperation and competition, and finding the right balance between the two, has been a major concern of space diplomats and leaders in Asia, Europe, and North America for much of the last few decades. Debate in policy circles has revolved around questions of cooperation, and whether collective assurance or independence is [...]