Project Description

At a recent symposium held at the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg, France, the topic of the International Space Station (ISS) was discussed in a broad context. One of the presenters, highlighting the international character of this project, made the statement that if the ISS had been operational by the beginning of the twentieth century, we probably would not have had two World Wars, by which he meant that working together in space brings people closer to each other and promotes mutual respect. His statement was of course purely conjecture, but his quite valid point was that if international projects such as the ISS had existed earlier in the 20th century, there would have been less likelihood of international world conflicts.

Read more: Space as a Catalyst for International Politcla Cooperation Peeters

This paper was first published as part of Space Commerce, The Inside Story, published by the Aerospace Technology Working Group (ATWG) and included on this site through the courtesy of ATWG, ISU and the individual authors.

For reference, we are also providing the front cover and table of contents.

Other extracts from this publication can be found here.