Project Description


Funding and operating a successful economic private settlement on the Moon will require an
overarching community development strategy, followed by scientific / technological work,
pioneering drive, and a resilient commercialization plan. Historically, this set of activities has not
been carried out sequentially, but all the elements are necessary to achieve a profitable private
settlement on the Moon. The Moon is no different than the Earth with respect to community
development. Some may think that the Moon is an extension of Earth, so it will carry the legacy
of Earth (or a particular nation-state’s community design). Or perhaps the thinking is that since
humans will not likely live there, a community does not exist. I believe that the moment that
humans make decisions through machines that impact the land mass of the Moon, a community
is created. Why it exists, who is responsible, what are the critical principles that build the culture
of that land mass, and how rule of law is enforced are all questions that must be addressed
before a profitable, resilient, and stable economic settlement can occur.



Jose an energetic, innovative, agile, spiritually guided, and resilient leader focused on strategy development and industry disruption with a global reach in any sector. Currently, he is the CEO for Caelus Partners from Seattle, Washington.  Previous to this, Jose led multiple complex and diverse organizations to achieve success in volatile, uncertain, challenging and ambiguous situations around the world in the classified and open source environments within the US military. He managed accounts and finances as large as $10.2B and strategies worth over $250B, impacting millions of individuals both in the United States, its military and overseas. His thrive is to continue to excel in high stake, existential situations for companies and individuals in governed and ungoverned areas, where human survival and financial profits are required.

Caelus Partners is an organization is focused on Space Industry opportunities and Investors (both committed and looking into entry) by providing unique investment and consulting models that are lucrative for both entrepreneurs and investors in every round from seed rounds to mezzanine and exits.  His company is also leading the Space Industry thru a project called Community in Space™. The Community in Space™ seeks to address the underlying issues facing the development of Space with the goal of expanding participation to unlock the full potential of Space as a resource for all. The goals are to organize and provide the principles of the space domain to be able to help build appropriate investment thesis for funds, policies to best support technological innovation in light of nation-state competition . The ultimate goal is that Space becomes a stable and self-sustaining economic environment as it continues to expand beyond Earth orbit.