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Below are your latest IISC news and blog posts.
White Paper Published: LEAP Communications Architecture
John Paffett lays out a plan for a full on telecommunications infrastructure for the moon. This addresses a key piece to the puzzle of opening up the Moon for more commercial and scientific endeavours. What [...]
State of the Industry, August 7, 2017
Read this week's State of the Industry Report.
White Paper Published: Dennis Wingo’s New Space Policy
Skycorp Incorporated CEO Dennis Wingo puts forth a strong take on where the United States should go with its space policy in his white paper Creating a Bold and Courageous 21st Century American Space Policy. [...]
White Paper Published: Location, Location, Location
Read the IISC's White Paper this week: Location, Location, Location on the Moon by Hoyt Davidson of Near Earth Industries, LLC. Read the whole paper.
IISC Announces New Executive Director
The International Institute of Space Commerce (IISC), the world’s leading open source think tank on the economics and commerce of space, has announced the selection of its new Executive Director, Mr Robert Alexander. “I am [...]
State of the Industry, July 17, 2017
Here is the State of the Industry report for July 17, 2017. If you are not on the mail list, sign up for a Membership to do so. When you sign up, be sure to [...]
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