The main stakeholders involved in the debate concerning with the issues led by the Space Data Association (SDA) met in Douglas on the Isle o Man at for a workshop, host by IISC. The aim of the event has been the discussion of policy issues related to this area, which is for a fair and peaceful use of the Outer Space.
The workshop, held at the venue location of The Sefton Hotel, is part of IISC’s mission. Its results will be used for a policy position paper prepared by IISC Senior Research Veronica La Regina, who has been the organizer of the workshop and who also moderated the morning session. Space Data Association is taking care of the current issues of space debris and radio frequency interferences at international level and as a self-regulation of the space industrial players (e. g. satellite operators, space manufacturers and satellite service providers). The afternoon session has been moderated by IISC Director, Christopher Scott, after his key-note speech which explained the relationships between the Isle of Man and the Space Data Association. The workshop had the aim of stimulating the awareness of the emerging role of the Space Data Association and the concerned debated among the stakeholders, invited and present in this venue. The workshop has gathered high professional experts coming from different affiliations.
The workshop started with a welcome introduction by IISC Director Mr. Alex Downie followed by the setting of the workshop and the topics by Veronica La Regina. Then, the workshop continued with the presentation of the Space Data Association from Stewart Sanders, director SDA, and Daniel Oltrogge, Program Manager SDA. The first one presented the goals and the governance of the SDA and the second invited participant illustrated the technical profiles of the Space Data centre of the SDA. Then, the workshop benefited from presentations and contributions by Aarti Holla-Maini from ESOA, Jorge Alberto Ciccorossi from ITU, Michael Simpson from Secure World Foundation, Sophie Vial and Olivier Colaitis from EADS Astrium, Tim Wakeman from AON plc.. The second part of the workshop proceeded with keynote speaker, Christopher Stott, and it ended with an interactive debate amongst the participants.
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